Thursday, October 16, 2008

When it comes to relationships...

..."I'm like a dog chasing cars, I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one"

Relationships are so cute. Maybe it's the season, the impending winter that make people want to just hibernate with that special know, you've been quietly flirting for months, both afraid to speak to the other. And what little you do say comes in nervous spurts.

Then the snow starts to fall, and you go out for afternoon coffee, maybe a late lunch. Those late lunches turn into dinners, dinners turn into movies, at the theater, at his house or your house, then those movies turn into "it's late why don't you just stay over?"

Then aaaaaaalll that turns into this mushy nonsense. "Oh I'm counting down the microseconds until I see your face", "when I'm next to you all the world is right, not even al Queda could stop this love between you and I!"

Love...they think it's love? No. What it was, sexual attraction. You really wanted to forgo all the formalities of dating and jump straight into bed, and you knew he did too. But you're not a slut are you? No, at least you try to convince yourself of that right? Hehehehe, so you two go through the whole charade, and granted what may turn into serious feelings started with nothing more than a shallow need, a physical fix, like an addict. So when he leaves you because someone else caught his eye, or the relationship was getting deeper than what he wanted...who do you blame?

If what you really wanted was something deeper and more meaningful, don't you think you should've swallowed your pride, ignored the voices outside and inside and gone with the guy who was offering it all along, even if he doesn’t fit the cookie-cut mould?

But it's too late right? He's gone.


In closing...
"Relationships don't work like they do on television and in the movies...will they won't they then they finally do and they're happy forever, give me a break. Nine outta ten of 'em end because they weren't right for eachother to begin with and half the ones that get married get divorced anyway, and I'm telling you right now through all this stuff I have not become a cynic, I haven't. Yes I do believe that love is mainly pushing chocolate covered candies and in some cultures...a chicken. You can call me a sucker I don't care, 'cause I do...believe in it. The bottom line, the couples who are truly right for eachother wade through the same crap as everybody else but the big difference is THEY DON'T LET IT TAKE 'EM DOWN. One of 'em will stand up and fight for that relationship every time and they're real lucky...

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