Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Today, Kids

Something odd happened in Dane's little universe.

I was sitting in my math class, doing some lessons on the computer, when a girl walks up to her friend sitting next to me and hands her a note, whispering into her ear. Out of the corner of my eye I glance at a note and through the slight blur all I can make out are scribbles and a line pointing in my direction. Moments later after the girl had gone away and sat back down her friend turns to me and says "so my friend thinks you're cute and wanted me to give you her number" and hands me the piece of paper.

How strange.


Becky said...

Mr. Hottie, eh? So what are ya gonna do Dane? Gonna call her??

Danegar Nutz said...

That's what a normal person would do. So no. Actually, it was pretty neat what happend was...NEW BLOG!!!1111onweoneoneoneoneleven