Wednesday, October 29, 2008


This is an adendum (i don't care if i misspelled that or used it incorrectly...this is mah blogg, deal with it) to the last blog about a girl and crap.

Anyway, I didn't call. I txtd but I didnt' call. Turns out the number was to a hardline. Homie don't play that.

Anywoooo, it turned out that we ended up passing notes in class, which seemed odd since we were sitting right next to eachother. It was just like being back in high school. I'm assuming, since that's an aspect I've never experienced.

So, I've got oodles more space, so for your entertainment pleasure I give you:


In closing:

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Call It(Whatever You Will)

Call it a fluke
Call it an accident
Call it a first kiss falling in love
And not knowing what to do next
"I Love You" is just a natural reflex

So you took off and flew away today
And Standing here alone, what could I say?
Here's to your life and something new
I hope he's good to you
I hope he makes things right
Because when I close my eyes...

Call it a broken heart
Call it every day falling apart
Call it no one feeling the same
As you did when you'd say my name
Call it me walking away in the end
Call this a life that needs to mend

Now in those mornings I still feel your touch
And when the wind blows I'm just an empty soul
Loking for this much
Lost in your rush
Just more lost trust
And sunrise just isn't the same
I'm tired of childrens' games

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Today, Kids

Something odd happened in Dane's little universe.

I was sitting in my math class, doing some lessons on the computer, when a girl walks up to her friend sitting next to me and hands her a note, whispering into her ear. Out of the corner of my eye I glance at a note and through the slight blur all I can make out are scribbles and a line pointing in my direction. Moments later after the girl had gone away and sat back down her friend turns to me and says "so my friend thinks you're cute and wanted me to give you her number" and hands me the piece of paper.

How strange.



And finally, awesome at it's awesomest:

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Random Oddities...

That I guess aren't really that random...though answered in reverse order, so if one answer doens't make sense just wait, you might be rewarded.

1. What is your best friends name?
I refuse to have 'best friends' some point I was just like "what's the point"?

2. What color underwear/boxers wearing now?
Navy Blue

3. What are you listening to right now?
Chester Bennington and Julien K.

4. Whats your favorite number?
One Billion.

5. What was the last thing you ate?
a burger.

6. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
I'd be the color of the one that sits at the bottom of the box and gets smugged by all the other prettier colors, so much so that it doens't know what color it is. It might suck but if you think about it, they've been smugged by me as well so their little perfectness is now, thanks to me slightly ASKEW!!!!!!!

7. How is the weather right now?

8. Who was the last person you talked 2 on the phone?
Jake Nutz

9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
their boo....oootuful personality..

10. Do you have a significant other?
please, that's kinda tacky.

11. Favorite TV show?

12. Siblings?
three half sisters, uno step bro, and hundred of n8v's.

13. Height?
5 7ish

14. Hair color?

15. Eye Color?

16. Do you wear contacts?

17. Favorite Holiday?
The one where you get to celebrate, and you get to hang out with family members who make jokes behind your back, and are condescending to your face...MAN I LOVE THOSE!

18. Month?
That one.

19. Have you ever cried for no reason?
I don't cry. Which sucks 'cause my tears cure death.

20. What was the last movie you watched?
I honestly don't remember...DEATH RACE that's it.

21. Favorite Day of the Year?
The 5th.

22. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
Yes, I prefer to be approached.

23. Can you do a headstand (not using the wall)?

24. Hugs or Kisses?
Both.. at the same time.

25. Chocolate or Vanilla?

26. Do you want your friends to respond to this?
I honestly don't care

27. Who is most likely to respond?
Pretty much no one, which is fine.

28. Who is least likely to respond?
Pretty much everyone, which is fine.

29. What books are you reading?

30. Piercings?

31. Favorite movies?
OG Star Wars Trillogy
The Punisher
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
The LOTR Trillogy
Fight Club
The Transporter/Transporter 2/I'm-Sure-I'll-Like-Transporter 3
Hot Fuzz
Casino Royal/ I-Know-I'll-Love-Quantum of Solace
The Breakfast Club
Batman/Batman Returns/Batman Forever/ Batman Begins/THE DARK KNIGHT!!!!!111
School of Rock
Tupac Resurrection
I Am Legend
The Chronicles of Riddick/Pitch Black
The Chronicles of Narnia
Tripple X
The Fast and the Furious
8 Mile (I know some of you refuse to believe that)
The Neverending Story
Meet Joe Black
Legends of the Fall
The Edge
The Holy Grail
The Sum of All Fears
The Matrix Trillogy
Shaun of the Dead
Jurassic Park
Underworld/Underworld Evolution
Dances With Wolves
Smoke Signals (a Rez Classic!)

32. Favorite football Team?

33. what were u doing before this?
Conversating with madre

34. Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn?

37. Dogs or cats?

38. Favorite flower?

39. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do?
No, I'm

40. Do you have a best friend of the opposite sex?
No. Let's keep it that way.

41. Have you ever loved someone?
...I don't understand the question?

42. Who would you like to see right now?
...le Sigh.

43. Are you still friends with people from kindergarten?
Honestly, I think some of the people from kindergarten who shared a mutual disdain are friends with me. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

44. Have you ever fired a gun? was. awesome.

45. Do you like to travel by plane?

46. Right-handed or Left-handed?

47. How many pillows do you sleep with?

48. Are you missing someone?
Depends on the time of day...or the day for that matter.

49. Do you have a Tattoo?

50. Anybody on myspace that you'd go on a date with?
Like, most of my top friends who aren't related to me or male...or both.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

When it comes to relationships...

..."I'm like a dog chasing cars, I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one"

Relationships are so cute. Maybe it's the season, the impending winter that make people want to just hibernate with that special know, you've been quietly flirting for months, both afraid to speak to the other. And what little you do say comes in nervous spurts.

Then the snow starts to fall, and you go out for afternoon coffee, maybe a late lunch. Those late lunches turn into dinners, dinners turn into movies, at the theater, at his house or your house, then those movies turn into "it's late why don't you just stay over?"

Then aaaaaaalll that turns into this mushy nonsense. "Oh I'm counting down the microseconds until I see your face", "when I'm next to you all the world is right, not even al Queda could stop this love between you and I!"

Love...they think it's love? No. What it was, sexual attraction. You really wanted to forgo all the formalities of dating and jump straight into bed, and you knew he did too. But you're not a slut are you? No, at least you try to convince yourself of that right? Hehehehe, so you two go through the whole charade, and granted what may turn into serious feelings started with nothing more than a shallow need, a physical fix, like an addict. So when he leaves you because someone else caught his eye, or the relationship was getting deeper than what he wanted...who do you blame?

If what you really wanted was something deeper and more meaningful, don't you think you should've swallowed your pride, ignored the voices outside and inside and gone with the guy who was offering it all along, even if he doesn’t fit the cookie-cut mould?

But it's too late right? He's gone.


In closing...
"Relationships don't work like they do on television and in the movies...will they won't they then they finally do and they're happy forever, give me a break. Nine outta ten of 'em end because they weren't right for eachother to begin with and half the ones that get married get divorced anyway, and I'm telling you right now through all this stuff I have not become a cynic, I haven't. Yes I do believe that love is mainly pushing chocolate covered candies and in some cultures...a chicken. You can call me a sucker I don't care, 'cause I do...believe in it. The bottom line, the couples who are truly right for eachother wade through the same crap as everybody else but the big difference is THEY DON'T LET IT TAKE 'EM DOWN. One of 'em will stand up and fight for that relationship every time and they're real lucky...

It's Raining...


Friday, October 10, 2008

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Feels Like The Taste of Fresca on Ice

All today, I couldn't find a single thing to do…
So I sat down, and I wrote a love song for you
Because the only thing that I can think
All this week
Is wondering when you'll be breathing this same air
And when I can see the sunshine brightening your hair

'Cause I can't wait for you between now and then
I can't wait to see if it's what I've been waiting for
Or if I'm just gonna be disappointed again
Either way, I like you my friend

The days still seem to take so long
Even though they're getting shorter
They feel to just go on and on
I'm still lingering in the moments
From the last time I touched her
And I didn't think…I could feel for another

'Cause I can't wait for you between now and then
I can't wait to see if it's what I've been waiting for
Or if I'll just be disappointed again
Either way, I like you my friend

Now I've been waiting, waiting forever it seems
For someone to come along and wake my wildest dreams
To take the memories of her and put them to sleep
I think I'm ready to let go
I'm just scared…
I'm just scared.

'Cause I can't wait for you between now and then
I can't wait to see if I'll be disappointed again
I wish you'd let me hold you my friend
Let me fall in love all over again...

Stems from a Hist of Rock Assignment:

-My Rock History Bonus Disc: My History through Music-

1) Gollum’s Song - Howard Shore, Emiliana Torrini: This world is dark it is. Dark and cold, and we weeps doesn’t we precious, we weeps to be so alone. They made us like this, outcast us they did before we ever had a chance. Heartless and brutal they was, they kicks us, hits us, and why? We does nothing to them, nothing at first. Then we fights back, defends ourselves we does. And what does we get? They scolds us, punisheses us, makes us to be the villains. So now, now we weep, and when our tearses dry up we plot, schemeses, ‘murderer’ we whisper to ourselves. But still we longses for someone beautiful to come and sing to us, to loves us, that we can trust, and to takes us…

2) Anywhere - Evanescence: I want someone to find me, who will come and sift through the broken pieces I’ve swept to the side, re-build me better on the inside where it’s become so…

3) Hollow - Godsmack: Take me to a better place. If I could do it all one more time, I wouldn’t change a thing, despite the fact that…

4) What Hurts the Most - Rascal Flatts: was being so close, and having so much to say, and watching her walk away. Never knowing what could’ve been. And not saying ‘I love you’ is what I was trying to do. Now I’m…

5) Broken (Acoustic & w/ Amy Lee) - Seether: I wanted her to know, that I love the way she laughed, and for a moment she held me high and took my pain away…There was so much left to learn, she helped me forgive so there was no one left to fight…but she’s gone away, she doesn’t feel me anymore. It’s her fault, she showed me hope, change, and chance for a live worth living. Then she stole it away, stole herself away, my life threaded through my soul, and now all I feel is disconnected, sort of…

6) Cold (But I’m Still Here) - Evan’s Blue: She’s so endearing, she’s so beautiful. I don’t look like they do, and I don’t love like they do, and I don’t hate like they do. She broke me from the very first night, I’ll love her ‘til the day that I die. Though I doubt even that will stay this madness. And before I go to sleep, I close my eyes and I ask her “is somebody getting the…”

7) Best of You - Foo Fighters: It’s real, this hate I feel, gone is my life…my love. I’d die to heal.

8) The Kill - 30 Seconds to Mars: What if I wanted to fight, beg for the rest of my life? I tried to be someone else, but nothing seemed to change, I know now this is who I really am inside. Falling from myself, falling for another chance, I try to write her a love song, but with each word all I paint is…

9) Her Portrait in Black - Atreyu: I can feel her burning through my veins, she’s become an indelible part of my book, an important chapter and verse:

10) It’s Been Awhile - Staind: It’s been a while since I’ve seen the way the candles light her face. And it’s been a while but I can still remember just how her kiss tastes. I’m trying to forget, but this, this is…

11) A Different Kind of Pain - Cold: They come like flashbacks, thoughts of the life they must be sharing. I can feel it, every time he holds her, a chill coursing through my body like a blizzard in the dead of night…and I’m there, just…

12) Krwlng - Linkin Park: Discomfort endlessly has pulled itself upon me, it’s haunting how I can’t seem to find myself again. I hide myself away, letting this façade take over. They must have thought I was a clown, they way they always laughed at me. I got hateful, but now I’ve made my malice a weapon of my own. Now I see the lighter side, now I’m always smiling. But they look scared, I stop laughing and the world falls quiet, and I ask…

13) WHY SO SERIOUS?!?!?!? - Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard: -End Transmission-