Saturday, January 24, 2009


The Meaning of Life: Adversity.

I think God doesn't make Man to suffer, nor does he want to see us suffer. But I do think he understands the nature of suffering; that to truly grow you have to tear down and re-build. That's why he allows us to suffer, He grieves with us, not for us. Of course suffering is adversity, but the way we react to it is what defines its positive or negative attributes, not the event itself. If you accept it's reality, learn or take away from it something of value and grow then it can only be seen as a positive hindsight of course. Concordantly, if something bad happens and we allow it to take us to a dark place and there dwell, then there will be no growth, only a stasis where invariably we'll whither and die.

We were put on this earth to love, to bond, and to grow. Consequently, we were also made to lose, and to feel the void of sorrow, and weight of despair, that we can both feel compassion when others around us are enduring the same emotions, so long as we haven't let our experiences harden our hearts. And also to build. When someone we love dies, or leaves, aside from the obvious grief another natural response is to put walls up. To never allow ourselves to feel love, and to be loved. The fear of gaining again only to lose is so great. It's easier to live in the dark, that way you can't see what you've lost, or what you're missing out on. But living in the dark is the saddest way to live...because it's not really living at all. Rather, for both situations the best course of action is to grieve, to cry, but also to allow yourself a slight smile, and to remember the good, and wonderful aspects of the person, so you might be able to emulate that, take the good that they offered and expound upon it

But be sure you look at the negative also, to learn from it so you don't repeat those same mistakes, but don't be afraid to make mistakes. Always take that leap, because if you haven’t tried you haven't lived.

The way we are now is not the way we are supposed to be. If we were, we wouldn't need to be here.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I enjoyed reading this post of yours. I like it and fully agree with it. I understand you may not be happy with me from what I said the other day...and I apologize for being so blunt. Sometimes, I'm learning, I need to keep my thoughts to myself. Just because they're my thoughts, it doesn't necessarily make them right. I hope you're not too mad at me. I still like keeping in touch.