Saturday, September 13, 2008

Root Canal...

So, a couple of days ago I had a root canal. No big thing right. I went in, they numbed me up, started drilling and scraping, bing bang boom they're done...and I feel great right?

Not so fast.

Turns out the area my root used to be is reacting the the metal in the files they used.

"How is it reacting Dane?" you might ask. Well I'll tell you. It's somewhere between screaming child in wal*mart who follows you around stabbing you with a stick and...that's about it. Knowing that this should last about a week is all that keeps me from ripping out my that would feel good. Where's my lortab? I feel like a junkie...

Thankfully I've got my dvdz of Scrubs to help me through.

I think if I had to choose between this and giving birth, I'd go with giving birth. I mean sure it might hurt worse than this, but I could've delivered my kid in the length of time I've been dealing with this. Plus, if I were in labour I could get an!


Yeah, kinda like that.

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