Sunday, April 5, 2009

King of Sorrow & Skyward Fire

For her, everything hurts inside
Overweight she feels unloved
Except for the little words she gets
From my mother's only son
You see to guys she's always been
The one with the hot friend
Now the world is starting to put
Her passion to an end
And it seems her family is falling away and leaving
Despite what she's seeing
I keep hoping she'll keep believing, that things will go right...
And see that she's not alone tonight

Baby just hold your head and be strong
And know that those who tear you down (even me)
Are just lost and wrong
They hate just to compensate
Cause they've looked in the mirror, and they hate their face

It seems every night she's crying
And deep in her heart there's little she can do
To keep her spirit from dying
I wish I could take her, and take away the pain
But every time I try, we fall in love
And it starts everything again
It's like all she knows is the hurt and discomfort
The steady burn
When the heart can't find what it longs for
Your soul starts to yearn...
So where else can she turn?

Baby just hold your head and be strong
And know that those who tear you down (even me)
Are just lost and wrong
They hate just to compensate
Cause they've looked in the mirror, and they hate their face

I script deadly venoms and potent poisons
To erode my enemies self-worth
So when I look into their eyes,
We can share my hurt
She's a wonderful girl with a beautiful face
But I understand her reflection
And how she feels that hate
Now I ask her, can I please see a smile on your face?
The kind that make your eyes shine
And my heart start to race
'Cause I promise you, you'll see better days...

Baby just hold your head and be strong
And know that those who tear you down (even me)
Are just lost and wrong
They hate just to compensate
Cause they've looked in the mirror, and they hate their face

My front yard only looks like a post card
'Cause the post card masks the madness
That's left me so scarred
Punches and kicks on the school yard
That sent me home awkward and shy like a retard
Authority means nothing to me
'Cause the authority has never done
Anything for me
Except hold me down
While vandals is assaulting me
Then discipline me when I retaliate
To protect my mental mind state
See, at second grade it was all lost so soon
No one knows now, what I could've grown too
So how can you ask me to be true to you and trust you
When you don't even know who you're being true to

I ain't promised to see tomorrow
Johnny J told me that
So it ain't nothing for me to have to borrow
'Cause I ain't promised to pay it back
So let's rename 'War' to a "Contingency Operation"
To quiet the protesters on your side
But your skin color assured their cooperation
And you know they're blind and down to ride
So give me the keys to be America's new nightmare
With a black president, you know it's heaven sent
But we need the opposite dynamic right there
It's not about fighting the powers that be
It's about fighting the powers that try to strip my mortallity from me
Why can't I fight back? Oppression doesn't care about color
Both black and white fills its sack, so give me the strength Lord to blast back
But He aint' hearing me right?

It's like He turned his back on me
When he took my grandma out the house
So now I pray to Makaveli
To guide the words out of my mouth
So how can you look me in the eyes
And chastise when I ride you to the ground
I tried to say hi
But you quietly walked by, only your eyes made the loudest sound
And since you ain't hearin' me, we're forced to keep going
Around and around
Where will I meet my fate
Mentally my mind state reverts to equate a lifetime of hate
And in the end the games that you played
Now when I recollect my thoughts back to the memories of you and me
And I clearly see where I went wrong and my insecure stupidity
So forgive me my flaws at the very least
Before you cut me off forever, wont you speak?
And tell me you once saw me and had this same dream
Of a life where the world didn’t exist
Just you and I out in the country, front porch swing
Living life like this

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Someone once asked me...

"What quote best defines you?" And I was all like *BACKHAND!* "THAT ONE SUCKA!"

Tucker and Caboose concure...but Caboose is confused.

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Keffiyeh

A Keffiyeh, is headwear originating with Arab men. It's intended use was as a headwrap used to keep out wind and sand, or to help protect from the sun. In more recent decades, it has, according to Michelle Malkin, "come to symbolize murderous Palestinian jihad."

Granted, Yassir Arafat and his little PLO group, as well as jihadists have given the Keffiyeh a quite brutal symbolism, I don't think it's fair to jump all over people (Hollywood cyborgs, or otherwise) for choosing to wear them because they happen to be chic. Now, if they happen to be overseas at an anti-American rally, and just happen to be sporting one, well that's in poor taste. But take Rachel Ray for example, conservative blowhards like Michelle have made something out of nothing and turned Rachel's fashion accessory into an anti-American faux pas.

Cry about it some more Michelle, the children in Africa need more water, and since all you do it pick out things to complain about that are out of your realm of control (or knowledge for that matter), the least you could to is help the starving children in Africa.

Now, this is going to divert from my initial topic, but I've pretty much said what was on my mind interms of that...well, wait, one more thing. I think adorning yourself with something that has in recent years taken on a violent and brutal conotation, but initially wasn't such, is a postive thing. It's helping to show that you see past the negative aspect that a collective few have spewed onto it, and see it for the cultural beauty. Because they are quite beautiful and stylish. If this world had indeed attained the cultural and racial utopia that the Liberals so desperately want (and that quite frankly, we all should desperately want), then people would be free to intermingal various aspects of different cultures into their own style according to their taste, and people wouldn't look down on them, as though to say "you aren't arab, you can't wear that", "you aren't black, you can't wear that", or "you aren't white, you can't wear that." Though you'd probably never hear that last one. Apparently our style is quite passe, and it carries no cultural or racial identity to it, with probably the exception of cowboy boots and a cowboy hat. But my point is, if you see something that you like, and you know what it has come to symbolize...have the courage to try to make a positive out of a negative. If you're going to make something out of nothing...make it a positive something. People like Michelle and Sean Hannity are looking for things to complain about. Just because I wear one doesn't make me less of an probably makes me more of one, this country was built on immigrants, the world over. Our rail roads were built by Asians, and for the longest time out cotton was picked by Blacks (not by choice I know). This is not a white country. We're not Canada. We're America, the melting pot.

So Sean, Michelle...calm down. Seriously. I mean Michelle, you've already identified the problem: "Yet many folks out there remain completely oblivious to the apparel’s violent symbolism and anti-Israel overtones". I don't think they're oblivious, how could they be? For the last thirty to fourty years, any time the Arab-Israeli conflict has been covered, we've seen murderes in Keffiyeh's with AK's and RPG's in the air. You'd have to be under a rock to not notice that. And yeah, for a long time anytime I saw someone who was obviously Arab wearing a Keffiyeh I was a little nervous. And that was from the news and from the aforementioned blowards. But when you come to understand that anything really lifechanging, from the election of Obama to small things in your life that have large ripples; they're all part of a larger plan. Some positive, some negative. And if you're going to let a small thing like celebridiots wearing Keffiyeh's ruffle your feathers, then step outside. And just because Hugo Chavez happens to rock one ever now and then, who cares. His reasons are different than mine, or maybe the same. Maybe he thought they looked cool. But given his obvious infatuation with everything anti-American and middle eastern, I doubt we have the same reasons.

So everyone:

Calm Down.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Presidential candidate, Barack Obama was visiting a primary school, and he visited one of the classes. They were in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings. The teacher asked the presidential candidate if he would like to lead the discussion on the word 'tragedy'. So our illustrious democratic presidential candidate asked the class for an example of a 'tragedy'. One little boy stood up and offered: 'If my best friend, who lives on a farm, is playing in the field and a tractor runs over him and kills him,that would be a tragedy. ''No", said Obama, "that would be an accident." A little girl raised her hand: "If a school bus carrying 50 children drove over a cliff, killing everyone inside, that would be a tragedy." ''I'm afraid not," explained Obama. "That's what we would call greatloss." 'The room went silent. No other children volunteered. Obama searched the room. "Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of a tragedy?" Finally at the back of the room, ittle Johnny raised his hand. In aquiet voice he said: "If the plane carrying you and Mrs. Obama was struck by a 'friendly fire' missile and blown to smithereens that wouldbe a tragedy.'" 'Fantastic!" exclaimed Obama. "That's right. And can you tell me why that would be tragedy?" ''Well," says little Johnny, "It has to be a tragedy, because it certainly wouldn't be a great loss... and it probably wouldn't be a freakin'accident either."

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Unreal Tournament III

It's good, I wouldn't say great. It doesn't really follow the precedent that the previous games set. Rather than a story mode following your player being in a tournament setting, with matches and a ladder to climb from win to win, the story mode follows a security group from a mining planet which has just been attacked. Seeing most of his family and friends killed by the Necris, our main character Reaper vows to get his revenge. He joins his crew up with the military defense which is being manned by Tournament Champ Malcom. Despite Malcom being non-military, he was obviously the best choice. Various companies have replaces governments, the Liandri mining company, the Izinagi research company, and the Axon robotics company being the big three; and each has had a hand in the Tournaments, and a staple of those tournaments have been the development of re-spawners, making battlefield death a thing of the past. Re-spawners have changed the face of warfare, and no one knows 'spawners like a Tournament champ: Malcom.

The rest of the campaign about the military operations being undertaken by Ronin, the group put together by Reaper. Some are objective bases, such as warfare where you have to take out the enemies power core, or Capture the FLaG. While other ops are simple death match oriented. All of the operations take place on enclosed maps of various sizes, the biggest being equivalent to a square mile or so.

This brings me to my point: this game should've just continued on with the Unreal franchise rather than be placed with the Tournament franchise. In Unreal 2: The Awakening, it was much like UT3 minus the death match. You played a character with a military history who was now basically an intergalactic police officer who investigates little skirmishes and problems here and there. His story opens up into much more, with greater missions and objectives, and in that respect the two are very much the same. Rather than be Unreal Tournament 3, just be Unreal 3: The Invasion or something, and give the missions real objectives.

The end however does open up for the possibility of a decent sequel, that perhaps could be a stand alone Unreal game. Let's hope Epic Games sees this, and improves upon where they've already gone.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


The Meaning of Life: Adversity.

I think God doesn't make Man to suffer, nor does he want to see us suffer. But I do think he understands the nature of suffering; that to truly grow you have to tear down and re-build. That's why he allows us to suffer, He grieves with us, not for us. Of course suffering is adversity, but the way we react to it is what defines its positive or negative attributes, not the event itself. If you accept it's reality, learn or take away from it something of value and grow then it can only be seen as a positive hindsight of course. Concordantly, if something bad happens and we allow it to take us to a dark place and there dwell, then there will be no growth, only a stasis where invariably we'll whither and die.

We were put on this earth to love, to bond, and to grow. Consequently, we were also made to lose, and to feel the void of sorrow, and weight of despair, that we can both feel compassion when others around us are enduring the same emotions, so long as we haven't let our experiences harden our hearts. And also to build. When someone we love dies, or leaves, aside from the obvious grief another natural response is to put walls up. To never allow ourselves to feel love, and to be loved. The fear of gaining again only to lose is so great. It's easier to live in the dark, that way you can't see what you've lost, or what you're missing out on. But living in the dark is the saddest way to live...because it's not really living at all. Rather, for both situations the best course of action is to grieve, to cry, but also to allow yourself a slight smile, and to remember the good, and wonderful aspects of the person, so you might be able to emulate that, take the good that they offered and expound upon it

But be sure you look at the negative also, to learn from it so you don't repeat those same mistakes, but don't be afraid to make mistakes. Always take that leap, because if you haven’t tried you haven't lived.

The way we are now is not the way we are supposed to be. If we were, we wouldn't need to be here.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008